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Paste Fail.Select Files/FolderNameSizeCAPDateSelect download folder:This file has been downloaded, do you like to re-download?Transfer DetailInvert Selection Select AllDelete SelectionClear SelectionSuspend downloadingResume DownloadingRetry downloadingPasteR5Queue DownloadingPauseShow or hide address barBackHomeAction CompletedErrorStart FinishingFile download aborted.AAn error occurred while attempting to download the file, Error:%14An error occurred connecting to the server, Error:%1,An error occured on setting header, Error:%1Corrupted File.<Failed to receive a valid response from the server, Error:%1IFailed to receive a valid HTTP response from the server, Response Code:%1Fail to parse URL, Error %1%Fail to open temporary file, Error:%1?An exception occured while set file pointer position, Error:%1 6An error occurred while downloading the file, Error:%10This file has already been in the download list.Thread creation error.$Fail to open or connect to Internet.:A file with that name exists, would you like to overwrite?%A file with that name does not exist.=An error occured while attempting to open internet. Error: %1Server file error. Error: %1<An error occured while attempting to open request. Error: %1;An error occured while attempting to send request. Error %1AAn error occured while attempting to set statuscallback. Error:%1IA time out error occured while attempting to connect to server. Error :%1:An erroc occured while attempting to end request. Error %1Resume Supported.Resume not supported.Segment Download Done!File length is indeterminate.Server file has changed. Download OK!Internet Read File Fail. Error %1$Fail to create temporary file name. Download Time Out\My Documents\Download\TempTemp File Name Error. %1$Proxy authentication error. Error %1Proxy Server not set!+Server redirection location error. Error:%1Build file fail. Error %1FilenameSizeTimeReservedReservedReservedReservedReservedViewToolsReservedReservedBack to previousGo to homepageAbout usSepTilesIconsListDetails Add CategoryViewCategoryEdit Edit CategoryDelete CategoryUndo SelectionAllPropertyDelete Select AllInvert Selection Clear AllViewVPocket Internet Explorer registry set. You might have to perform a soft reset to work.Out of disk space . Error %15An error occured while attempting to resume. Error %1'The server appears to be down. Error %1%Trial version will expire in %i days.Restart Download - RedirectHRedirect file but extension check fail, would you like to get it anyway?\ WinMobile Download Accelerator WinMobile Download Accelerator (WMDA)

WMDA accelerates the speed with which you can receive files over the Internet or intranet using FTP/HTTP/HTTPS protocols by simultaneously downloading several file segments from the server; it also facilitates multiple simultaneous downloading from different Internet sources and allows you to suspend, resume download or restore interrupted download.

WMDA main features
Using WMDA

WinMobile Download Accelerator main features:

• WMDA optimizes your download performance, conveniently manages your downloaded files and resumes broken downloads.
• Superior performance and convenient graphical user interface that make it extremely easy to use.
• WMDA uses advanced multithreaded technology for multiple simultaneous downloading.
• WMDA provides seamless integration with Windows Mobile 2003/2003SE. Intercept Windows Mobile 2003/2003SE’s Internet Explorer URL links and downloads manager.
• WMDA provides power and useful tool for management of download files in categories, automatic file type detection. It supports unlimited categories. Sort downloaded files by type – name – size – date descending and ascending.
• Whatever your connection type, WMDA will use the bandwidth of your connection most effectively and download files extremely fast.

See Also
Using WMDA

Using WinMobile Download Accelerator

1. How to download files?
2. View Transfer Manager
3. Home View
4. Downloaded View
5. Category Dialog
6. Download Status
7. Downloading Detail View
8. Log View
9. Options
10. Options - General Setting
11. Options - Download Setting
12. Options - Network Setting
13. Options - IE Setting
14. Options - FTP Setting
15. Add URL Dialog
16. Address Bar
17. How to quit?

See Also
WMDA Features

How to download files?

Address bar Address bar could be your starting point to download a file. You can paste or type an URL address in the address bar and then tap the go button to start download. If the information in the address bar is a valid URL, then WMDA will start downloading after breaking down the URL into its components: server, object and service type. The object name will be saved by WMDA as the default file name. Shall you input an URL without object name, such as, then WMDA will open Pocket Internet Explorer (PIE) and let you surf the site. Any other download links that trigger PIE download manager will also lead you back to WMDA if you check intercept PIE in the Options dialog.
Paste a link directly into the transfer manager view will also start a download.

Using WMDA

View Transfer Manager

Tap on Transfer Manager in the Home View or View->Transfer Manager to bring up Transfer Manager View. Transfer manager provides functions to manage files downloading; it lists all the files being downloaded, files in downloading queue, files of pause status or of error status. You can suspend (pause), resume, delete, and access Detail View or restore an interrupted download item. Tap on an item to select or tap and hold to bring up dynamic menu that provides various functions mentioned above. Once the downloading of an item is done, it is immediately removed from this view and moved into downloaded view.

Using WMDA


Home View

This view provides various links to other modules of the application. This is the first view you see when the application starts. Tap View->Home from any module to return to this view.

Using WMDA

Downloaded View

Tap on Downloded View link in Home View or View->Downloaded View to bring up Downloaded view. In this view you can manage the downloaded files, delete, re-categorize, provide description or filter and sort using the top select bar just like File Explorer. Tap on the 'C' icon on the left corner of the select bar to filter the downloaded file list using category dialog. Tap on the sorting menu on the right corner of the bar to sort in ascending, descending on name, type, size, and date. Tap and hold on a selected item to view functions available.
Downloaded view provides a snap shot of your downloaded files. The list keeps track of your downloaded files, its URL, categories and other information. Delete any item in the list does not delete the file itself. You should use File Explorer to delete the file.
You can not download an item with the same URL as the one listed in this view. Delete the item will enable you to re-download it.

Using WMDA

Category Dialog

This is the dialog to add, edit or delete categories. You can access this dialog from downloaded view or from the main menu. The categories you define here will be used by WMDA to mark downloaded file for filtering in downloaded view.

Using WMDA

Download Status

  • START - download queue just started
  • QUEUE - download in queue
  • DOWNLOADING - download in progress
  • PAUSE - download suspended
  • ERROR - an error has occurred
  • FINISHING - download done, the final file is being built

Using WMDA

Downloading Detail View

This view can only be accessed while an item is being downloaded. You can access this view by selecting a downloading item and tap View->Transfer Detail or tap and hold on the selected item and using the pop up context menu to select Transfer Detail.
This view provides detail information on segments, download status, file size, resume capability, and other details on a downloading item in progress.

Using WMDA

Log View

WMDA keeps track of error, warning and trace in a log file. This view displays the log file. Information stored in the log file depends on the log level that you select in the Options setting of WMDA. Use Clear Log in the Options to clear the information in this view.

Using WMDA


WMDA provides a wide range of options setting in the options property sheet, it consists of:
General Setting, Download Setting, Network Setting, IE Setting and FTP Setting

Using WMDA

Options - General Setting

Use download folder selection button to select the default destination folder for downloaded file. Temporary folder selection is the selection button to select the location of a temporary folder for in progress temporary files. Generate Log File checkbox if checked will make WMDA generate log file based on the level selected in the log file combo box. There are three levels shall you choose to select this option: error, warning and trace. Error level will generate only error; warning level reports error and all the warning messages; trace provides the most complete report covering messages from error, warning to trace. Uncheck Download prompt checkbox if you do not want WMDA to prompt you with Additional options other then default set in Options. Tap on Set Default button to set all options back to their default value. Tap on Clear Log button to clear the log file.

Using WMDA

Options - Download Setting

Time out Value - WMDA makes use of this value to justify a connection wait time. The default value is 60 seconds. You can set this value lower or higher. It depends on your internet connection.
When the application encounters a time-out event, it set the download status to Pause.
Number of retries
is the number of download retries WMDA will try on a download with error status.
is the time in second WMDA will wait on each retry.
Min Segment Size
WMDA uses this value to divide the file into segments and then check the result with Max Segment Value. Whichever the smaller is selected as the actual max segment value implemented.
Segments per files Max 8 Min 1 Default 5
WMDA uses this value as a guide to divide an Internet file into segments. The purpose of such divisions is to enable the application to perform simultaneous downloading of an Internet file and hence accelerate the downloading process. The Max value for this value is eight and the minimal value is one.
WMDA will automatically determine whether an Internet file should be divided into the value set here or to be downloaded full. The Internet Server that host the file should support multiple downloads for this value to have any significance.
Max Simultaneous is the maximum number of simultaneous downloads. This value is only a guide for simultaneous download, set it lower if your mobile device is low on resource to avoid WMDA taking up too many resources.

Using WMDA

Options - Network Setting

Connection Type provides three options: Pre-Config, Direct and Proxy. Pre-Config will use network setting based on registry value. Direct will resolves all host names locally. Proxy will pass requests to the proxy unless a proxy bypass list is supplied and the name to be resolved bypasses the proxy.
Proxy Server is the proxy server address that must be provided if you select proxy.
Check Prompt me if you want to be prompted for proxy user name and password on entering proxy server with User name and password. You can enter this information in User Name and Password edit controls.


Using WMDA

Options - IE Setting

Check Intercept Pocket IE download to intercept any link in Pocket Internet Explorer (PIE) with the extension in the Download Extensions list. In this case, checking this value will execute and activate WMDA if it is not active. Any other PIE links that initiates PIE download manager will not execute and activate WMDA if it is not already active.
To add new extension into Download Extensions, type dot follow by the extension into the edit box. User Agent is the name that identifies the application in HTTP protocol. Referer is referring URL address required by some servers. Clear History button if pressed will delete all history record from the registry. Clear history will delete history created by this application and also that of PIE.

Using WMDA

Options FTP

Check Passive check box to support passive FTP semantics. Check CERN Proxy to use HTTP protocol on CERN Proxy FTP download.

Using WMDA

Add URL dialog

If you have the Prompt for download option checked, this dialog will pop up every time you add an URL to download. You can set category, download priority, description, file name, server user name and password, referer and number of segments. All these setting provide additional information other then the default set in the options property sheet. Download priority will have effect only on the queue items not on the downloading items.

Using WMDA

How to quit?

First display the address bar, while the address bar in focus, tap Ctrl-Q. All downloading will be suspended and the application quit. Alternatively you can use task management application in your mobile device to close WMDA.

Using WMDA

Address Bar

Address Bar is a toolbar on the top of WMDA which provides a combo box and a go button on the right side of the bar. You can type, edit or paste URL in the combo box; it works like the ad:e:xjjdress bar of Pocket Internet Explorer. You can tap View->Address Bar to switch the visibility of the address bar or tap on the address bar link in the home view.


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